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Sound Advice For Sufferers Of Sleep Apnea

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Posted on: 08/13/22

All people who struggle with sleep apnea know how impossible it can be. Having the right information can go a long way in making symptoms easier to deal with. Use this article to find out how you can cure your sleep apnea.

Sleep mouth guards can benefit you if you suffer from sleep apnea. Devices like these can align your airways properly to allow you better sleep. Talk to your physician about these, and get a fitting if you two think it might work.

Alleviate you sleep apnea by loosing weight. Many studies have demonstrated that sleep apnea can be significantly improved or even eliminated when patients slim down. You can go to the gym, join exercise classes or just get out and walk. Taking off the extra pounds will help you sleep more soundly.

Understand the effects that smoking and drinking alcohol have on sleep apnea, if you are trying to get a grip on your quality of sleep. Smoking enlarges airways, while alcohol can relax them too much, both of which will contribute to the symptoms of sleep apnea severely. Consider making the necessary cut-backs that will cut down on your sleep problems.

If you have to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, you may find it hard to get used to at first. It is important that you do not quit using the machine, though. Focus on the benefits of the machine rather than the inconvenience. It will make life safer for yourself and others. Daytime sleepiness caused by sleep apnea is a major risk factor for car accidents, for instance.

A proven tip to reducing and preventing sleep apnea is to try sleeping on your side. You should avoid sleeping with your face up on your back. Gravity will cause the tongue and tissues in your neck fall back and block your airways. So sleep on your side for a better nights sleep.

If you smoke cigarettes and are suffering from sleep apnea, now is the best time to quit this habit. When you smoke, you are increasing the inflammation and the fluid retention in your throat along with your upper airways, and that will contribute greatly to sleep apnea. Once you quit, you should notice your symptoms start to lessen.


Excessive weight can be a major contributor to sleep apnea. If someone with sleep apnea is overweight, they would benefit from losing it. These people should set themselves up with a weight-loss plan that involves exercise and calorie reduction. Research has proven that reducing the number of carbohydrates one consumes throughout the day helps people in losing weight.

Do throat and tongue exercises daily to reduce your apnea symptoms. The results of recent research suggest that jaw exercise, and tongue exercises can greatly reduce the presence of sleep apnea symptoms. Doing just a few of these exercises every day can help you get a good night of rest.

Exercise your throat. Make faces. Stick out your tongue. Rotate your jaw. It might feel a bit silly, but it can actually help people who suffer from sleep apnea. Doing these things exercises the muscles your body needs to moderate its breathing. Studies have shown that doing these exercises a few times a day can make a huge difference.

Did you know there are exercises that you can do to reduce your sleep apnea? Throat exercises are a great way to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Try pressing the tongue against the floor of your mouth. Use a toothbrush to brush the tongues tops and sides. Repeat this exercise three times a day for five repetitions.

People who suffer from sleep apnea know how much it affects day to day life. Fortunately, you can minimize the impact this condition has on your life by learning all you can about sleep apnea. Utilize this advice, and soon, youll be sleeping like a baby again!

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